
The Other 9/11 Heroes

This is a photo of the Wall of Names at the United Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. In a rare display of unity, both President Trump and former Vice President Biden will visit the Memorial today to pay tribute to these heroes. The History Channel will also air a documentary on their story tonight.

As we remember those gave the ultimate sacrifice on 9/11, let us not forget the heroes of United Flight 93.  They refused to be victims and fought back to save the lives of their fellow Americans, even at the cost of their own.  They are an inspiration to us all and will forever show the power of the American spirit when challenged by the forces of evil. Theodore Roosevelt would have been proud of them!

Antitrust & Trade Regulation, Domestic Policy, Uncategorized

Welcome to Alan Tonelson

I value and thank all of you who are following New Nationalism whether on this site, the New American Nationalism Facebook page or my Twitter account (see links below). Today, I want to highlight one new follower who brings significant expertise to our debate. Alan Tonelson worked with a number of think tanks over the last 30 years and is a former associate editor of Foreign Policy magazine. His particular expertise is in trade, manufacturing and economics. He is the author of “The Race to the Bottom”, a book chronicling the effects of the hollowing-out of our manufacturing capacity published back in 2002. Alan operates his own weblog called RealityChek at the link below. I expect to rely on his past and future work on the effect of offshoring and unfair trade agreements on American national security, jobs and the economy.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from all of you during the course of this important discussion!
